MY BLOG!!!!!!

Welcome to the blog:

21st of july 2024:

i just recently started this little section for just myself and talk about my daly life without that feeling of somebody spying me on the normal web and tbh all the last week (or called this) it was the annual fair on my hometown... at least was more interesting than the last year and so yeah i wasn't updated the page because a was bored and i have a problem called: "this dumb dumb leaves everything halfway and never finishes ever" but this time i'm trying my best just for not letting this littel proyect in the athic i just recently (if 3 years is recent) tried to finish my mp3 library and holy cow i just have 330 songs or 21 hours of songs :0 but the most funny thing is i only spend like 1gb and a half so yeah i want to get at least 4gb full of music (or 4 days full of music) and just for filling i got some movies for the player bc my media player was an old android from 2016 so rn i'm using for my music and movies/series since i got back my bike i just wanted to go all arround my hometown and is very fun to go without a plan and a point to go... just me, my music and a 7yr bike... man how i enjoy this things of life AND I GOT ACCEPTED INTO COLLEGE :DDD MAN I'M SO HAPPY i even didn't belived in myself (i just thinked i was going to do the autogameover or being homeless) and i even didn't thinked my life become some dream instead a recap of my worst year (2021) so in the other month i think the classes starts so yah i'm happy about it and that was my week, just a normal week so yeah see you the next blog update (if you want to go the spanish one i will left a link to go)


hello everyone to the day 2 today is 23 of july 2024

todays was a day like ervery other but i was feeling a little alone but it's ok because sometimes you feel that when you had a not so nice past and don't worry about it bc i'm still here and i'm still alive so yeah... i recently make it work minecraft finally on my computer and only in two days i was playing for HOURS.. man i love this type of games where you cand do whatever you want without a limit right now i'm in twitch on live talking about myself and al that things but when you read this i'm sleeping or i'ts another day so (ad) you can visit my twitch channel :) and that was my day so see you in the next update about my daly life byeee

day 3 today is 15 of Agust 2024

this week i started finally class on my new collegue and i made a little group of friends where are 1 from another city and the others from my city and i'm happy beacuse i made friends but are classmate friends, still i'm happy to have finally got people to talk about my favorite things i didn't updated the page almost a month because i was busy with the college things but i will promise to make more updates and trying to make the main page more detalled and less basic html with a dry wallpaper but i need to learn how to do it so i will be trying to make it like something more awesome so thanks to come and learn about more of the real me!