Welcome to the official marketwebsite!

en: hello everyone to the official midnight supermarket webpage where we can answer you all the questions you have and also you can suggest things for our webpage like more images or videos in our main social wolrd wide web chat called discord! esp: hola a todos a la pag web oficial del midnight supermarket donde podremos responder las preguntas que tengas como tambien sugerir cosas para nuestra pagina web como mas imagenes o videos en nuestro chat social de el mundo del internet llamado discord!

en: our webpage was made by Santitube The 14th when he thinked something to promotionate his discord server or something like that.. but the real thing was because in his mind says: "hey would be fun to make a website like the old style way lookin from the late 90s and 2000s webpages" and that's how this website has made and to be honest... idk how i made this like nothing and i don't know much about codes and all that programmer things well... kinda (i know about programming but in a other way and most of the things i know about coding is limited) but yeah all this thing was made by myself with no help, much stress and 2.5ml of good ol' pepsi. i'm sorry if my english was not so undertandable but i just thinking what i'm writing and how to make it easy to read an understand... so if you have any suggest or to help me with the translate (my main language is spanish but i have learned english since i was a kid) so you can contact me in discord/email (but is more confortable in discord) so thanks for read this and i hope you like how i tried to make a website for a fake supermarket in the state of arizona!

Esp: nuestra pagina web fue creada por Santitube the 14th cuando penso algo para promocionar su servidor de discord o similar... aunque en realidad fue porque en su mente dijo: "hey seria divertido hacer una pagina web a la vieja escuela como esas paginas hechas en finales de los 90s y 2000s" y asi fue como se creo la pagina y para ser sincero no se como hice eso y pues no se casi nada de cosas de programacion en si (yo si conozco algunas cosas pero de programar en si es algo muy a parte) pero si todo lo que esta creado y hecho fue totalmente solo yo sin """ayuda""", ESTRESSSy unos 2 litros de la pepsi de toda la vida talvez fue hecho solo pero si tienes alguna sugerencia me puedes contactar en discord/email asi que tambien unas gracias por haber leido y espero que te guste la pagina de un supermercado falso localizado en el estado de arizona!


outr main media social media/nuestras redes sociales principales


the page was proudly made with our sponsors: